---Modelli di portafoglio per il rischio di credito - Booksite
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Progetto Modelli di portafoglio per il rischio di credito- Scheda link

OrganizzazioneDominion Bond Rating
Link al sitowww.dbrs.com
Categoria di appartenenza del sito: Agenzie di rating e società di ricerca finanziaria
Nazione o Regione/ProvinciaCanada
Outline del sitoDBRS is a full-service rating agency that provides credit ratings on issuers of commercial paper, bonds, long/short term debt, and preferred shares, as well as asset-backed securities. DBRS also offers industry analysis, rating reports, and ratings indices for issuers and investors throughout Canada, the United States, Europe and Japan.
Contenuti del sitoFrom yahoo:
"The holy trinity of bond raters has to make room for a new demigod. Dominion Bond Rating Service (DBRS) has been admitted to the pantheon occupied exclusively by Moody's, Fitch, and Standard & Poor's for more than a decade. The SEC granted official status to DBRS in 2003, giving it equal status with the other bond raters in the US, despite its smaller stature. DBRS's designation as a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NRSRO) adds its ratings to the toolboxes of bond investors and companies selling debt. Founded in 1976, DBRS covers some 400 companies in a variety of industries; as many as a quarter of the issuers are US companies, and DBRS is expected to increase this count."