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Autore/iArthur Andersen
TitoloRisk Management: An Enterprise Perspective.
Pubblicazione ospite (in)
Altre InformazioniResults of FEI Research Foundation Andersen survey, Andersen
Keywords separare key1:key2
Abstractinput on current risk management approaches from CFOs and other executives. More than 400 companies participated in the survey with over 60 percent of the responses from CFOs and above. It is important to note that this survey was completed prior to events of September 11.
There are four key observations from this study:
(1) Financial executives see an array of ever-increasing business risks.
(2) Business risk management practices require improvement.
(3) Substantial revisions in business risk management have either been made or will be made.
(4) There is a need for implementing a business risk management process that increases the confidence of senior executives that all potentially significant business risks are being identified and managed.
In May 2001, James W. DeLoach, Jr., Andersen partner, delivered a presentation on “Enterprise-wide Risk Management as a Strategic Weapon” at the annual Financial Executives International (FEI) Summit. In connection with this presentation, a survey was prepared and posted on the FEI website to obtain
input on current risk management approaches from CFOs and other executives. More than 400 companies participated in the survey with over 60 percent of the responses from CFOs and above. It is important to note that this survey was completed prior to events of September 11.
There are four key observations from this study:
(1) Financial executives see an array of ever-increasing business risks.
(2) Business risk management practices require improvement.
(3) Substantial revisions in business risk management have either been made or will be made.
(4) There is a need for implementing a business risk management process that increases the confidence of senior executives that all potentially significant business risks are being identified and managed.
File documento allegatoAndersen.pdf
Unità di ricerca interessataDipartimento di informatica e studi aziendali
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