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Analycorp -
Arlingsoft - Ergo - Decision
Arlingsoft, a website, intends to bring to the web the best in information, products, and services to enable its clients, partners, and the decision-making community to make effective use of modern methods and technologies. If you are interested in how you can cut the costs, time and risk due to decision-making processes, we intend to provide you with the tools and services needed to achieve that goal.
Publish Crystal Ball and Crystal Ball Pro Monte Carlo simulation applications that run on Excel. Biggest competitor to @RISK.
Decisive Tools - iDecide (ex Definitive Scenario)
The iDecide family of award-winning software products for decision/risk analysis.  Build influence diagrams describing the risk or decision and then run Monte Carlo simulation.   The result is a statistically accurate representation of the range and likelihood of all possible outcomes.  In other words, the power to handle risks and decisions like a pro.
enumerate is pioneering the development of Web-based software, the Numerator! Suite™, to speed and simplify the tasks associated with exploring data. By allowing you to focus your attention on discovering the trends that the numbers reveal, and not the mechanical processes of formatting data or making charts and graphs, you're able to reach a decision sooner and more cost-effectively.
Welcome to Expert Choice.  Our solutions ensure that organizations make accurate decisions that are aligned with their strategic business objectives. With Expert Choice's software, consulting and training, your organization will turn abstract goals into concrete actions. The process is painless and proven to lead to faster, better, more justifiable decisions.
The FRx Software analytics suite is designed for financial effectiveness. This integrated, collaborative financial reporting, budgeting, planning and analysis software deployed from the Web, or within your own network, allows you to manage your business efficiently, in real-time. Create custom reports on the fly, analyze your financial health, understand which areas need attention, and plan for the future all with FRx Software's world-class product suite.
Pacchetto contabile realizzato in Delphi 6 + Oracle distribuito come Freeware
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JMAT - Java Matrix
Progetto free software libreria di manipolazione matrici in linguaggio Java, in sintassi pseudo-Mathlab.
John's (Janusz) Finance
Pagina personale di un giovane analista finanziario che mette disposizione modelli excel freeware per equity valuation, derivative pricing, portfolio analysis.
Juice™ takes information access to the next level by delivering any kind of online data into desktop applications like Microsoft Word and Excel — and keeping that information up-to-date, as it changes.
Using Juice™ business professionals gain broader access to information from corporate databases and portals, transaction processing systems, ERP / CRM systems, the World Wide Web, and even industry data services. Juice™ lets users quickly perform crucial business tasks like data analysis, reporting, and operational monitoring using the desktop applications they already know. The combination of wide-ranging data access along with real-time updates empowers Juice™ users to rapidly perform tasks that would otherwise require significant investment of time and money in custom solutions.
What’s more, Juice™ makes it simple to repurpose and reuse existing analytical models and reports, and to share documents that update automatically with colleagues and business partners. These capabilities enable powerful knowledge flows across the extended enterprise — even when information must be unified and analyzed across different IT systems. In short, Juice™ gives companies the ability to fully leverage their informational assets for better business results and offers a greater return on existing IT investments.
Lumina Decision Systems -
Lumina Decision Systems creator of Analytica, the leading software package for creating, analyzing and communicating quantitative business models.
Math Point Ltd. is a software and consulting company dedicated to the production of state of the art numerical and load balancing software for the .NET framework.
Founded in 1999, Math Point is based in Toronto, Canada and Lausanne, Switzerland. By providing software, and original research, Math Point delivers an array of services to corporations engaged in the development of sophisticated mathematical applications.
In an environment where capital market developments are driven by technological change and shifting market needs, Math Point is committed to being an innovator in Financial Engineering applications
Maximal Software - MPL
Maximal Software, Inc. is a leading provider of software for developing and formulating models in the field of optimization. Optimization is today one of the most important tools in implementing and planning efficient business operations and increasing competitive advantage. Organizations need to make intelligent decisions to obtain optimal use of their available resources, such as manpower, equipment, raw materials and capital. The discipline of optimization, through the use of advanced mathematics and computer science techniques, is used to assist organizations with solving their complex business problems in areas such as manufacturing, operations planning, distribution and transportation, supply-chain, finance, and defense related industries.
Maximal is the developer of the MPL Modeling System and the OptiMax 2000 Component Library, and has many years of practical experience providing innovative solutions to our customers and assisting them in achieving the successful completion of their optimization projects.
MCSim - Monte Carlo
Accesso a package open source per simulazioni Monte Carlo e costruzione modelli di simulazione e decisione
Dal 1980 il Gruppo MET offre servizi consulenziali, soluzioni e system integration per la grande e media azienda. Con un fatturato 2000 di 205 Miliardi di lire e un organico di oltre 1200 professionisti, è oggi una tra le prime realtà private del panorama italiano dell'Information Technology e della consulenza globale.
In 20 anni di storia il Gruppo MET ha valorizzato il rapporto col cliente studiando applicazioni tecnologiche efficaci, percorribili con tempi e costi coerenti con gli obiettivi da raggiungere.
L’offerta del Gruppo MET risponde alle esigenze organizzative, applicative e tecnologiche delle aziende, con un portafoglio di soluzioni e servizi che concorrono in modo integrato alla realizzazione del Sistema Informativo Aziendale: dalla consulenza direzionale fino alle fornitura di sistemi hardware.

Tra i prodotti si segnala PITECO:
PITECO del Gruppo MET, Sistema Informativo di Tesoreria client server, è una soluzione mirata e flessibile a supporto delle problematiche strategiche e operative della tesoreria aziendale.
PITECO nasce da studi approfonditi e da una continua evoluzione che origina da 20 anni di esperienza su oltre 400 realtà aziendali.
Concepito secondo criteri di modularità, PITECO si adegua alle esigenze di aziende differenti per tipologia e dimensione.
Il Modulo Base contiene tutte le funzionalità necessarie alla gestione dei rapporti con le banche, dei conti correnti e delle linee di affidamento.
Al Modulo Base si aggiungono altri 9 moduli che fanno di PITECO la soluzione più completa disponibile oggi sul mercato:
Home Banking e Riconciliazione Automatica
Pianificazione Finanziaria
Portafoglio Effetti
Pagamento Fornitori
Tesoreria Centralizzata
Coperture e Derivati
Multisocietà, multidivisione, multidivisa, multilingua, simulazioni parametriche, analisi “what if”, situazioni e consuntivi di riepilogo e di dettaglio con funzioni “drill-down”, integrazione con word processor e fogli elettronici, sono le principali caratteristiche presenti in tutti i moduli del prodotto.
Il Gruppo MET ha realizzato versioni di PITECO integrate ai più diffusi ERP disponibili sul mercato (SAP, Oracle, JDEdwards). Interfacce generalizzate di contabilizzazione automatica dei movimenti facilitano l’integrazione a qualsiasi altro sistema amministrativo esistente in azienda.
PITECO è un prodotto client/server, multipiattaforma, database independent, con interfaccia grafica standard windows, utilizzabile tramite internet browser.
Le attività svolte dai consulenti del Gruppo MET nelle fasi di progetto permettono di trasferire agli utenti il valore aggiunto che nasce da vent’anni di esperienze presso società di primaria rilevanza sul mercato.
Per aziende di piccola dimensione i consulenti del Gruppo MET hanno preconfigurato una soluzione che ritaglia PITECO sulle esigenze di questo mercato e che viene veicolata via web.
L’avviamento, l’assistenza, la manutenzione e l’evoluzione del prodotto sono garantiti dal centro di competenza PITECO con oltre 90 professionisti specializzati su temi di tesoreria aziendale.
Microsoft Excel
Nuove features di Excel XP, specialmente web publishing e data integration
Modernsoft - Financial genome
Navision è una oscietà danese presente in molti paesi (anche in Italia). Produce sistemi per l'ERP nelle sue varie dimensioni (Financials, CRM, chain supply management, e-business, business portals). Può essere definita come una concorrente di SAP rivolta in particolare alle piccole e medie imprese.
The mission of OASIS is to drive the development, convergence, and adoption of structured information standards in the areas of e-business, web services, etc.
Free Java software for financial and general data analysis
Links internal, external, structured & unstructured data for a complete view of your business
Closed-loop business management, from strategic planning to performance measurement
Shorter, simplified processes and closing cycles
Accessible to everyone, fostering a culture of involvement and goal commitment
Real-time feedback loop for optimal decision-making and performance measurement
Integrated portal for enterprise-wide collaboration
Patented Microsoft Excel© and OLAP integration
Rapid deployment and fast ROI
Palisade corporation -
Publish @RISK, BestFit, RiskView, PrecisionTree, Evolver, etc. A lot of very high quality risk analysis applications mostly based around the MS Excel modelling environment. @RISK is the biggest Monte Carlo seller. Bookshop.
Planatech Solutions - XLL+
Planatech Solutions was formed out of a desire to provide compact and intuitive solutions to the complicated and time-consuming problems that occur every day in the financial markets.
Our flagship product, XLL Plus, first went to market in 1998, and was designed to simplify the process of converting financial models written in C/C++ to instantly useable add-in functions in Excel, at the press of a button.
Since then we have released a number of other products and developed tools to address similarly complex problems.
Our area of specialist knowledge is in interfaces: language to language; technology to technology; language to technology. A considerable amount of our own time is devoted to researching new developments in technology and expanding our knowledge of existing technologies, to be in a position to provide informed opinion on, and elegant, well-structured solutions to, highly complex technical and financial problems.
Our software is used in the world's major financial centres. Primarily based in London, we also provide both on and off-site consultancy and development to clients world-wide.
ProAct - Project risk
PROAct™ is a risk management process with software designed to help you systematically manage uncertainties -- both risks and opportunities. The user-friendly software is an effective decision support tool which provides managers with a coordinated framework for identifying, assessing, monitoring, controlling and reporting issues related to project risks and opportunities.
The acronym stands for Proactive Risk and OpportunityAction. This fundamentally is a database of identified risks and opportunities that might affect a project. The database also holds actions that can be considered for implementation. All elements -- perhaps hundreds in a large project -- are tracked throughout a project's life cycle.
The expected value concept is used to prioritize candidate actions using a Return On Investment approach. An especially appealing PROAct feature is the ability to do a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the uncertainty in the project total cost. This approach to cost risk estimation is a lot less work than detailing the risks in a full project model.
Vendor of Millennium, solution for corporate treasury and risk management
Simtools.xla and Formlist.xla are add-ins for Microsoft Excel (version 5 and later). Simtools adds statistical functions and procedures for doing Monte Carlo simulation and risk analysis in spreadsheets. Formlist is a simple auditing tool that adds procedures for displaying the formulas of any selected range. Also available here is Torndiag.xls, an Excel workbook for making "tornado" sensitivity-analysis diagrams. Simtools and Formlist were developed to facilitate applications of probability and statistics, and to help managers do complex decision analysis. These programs are distributed as freeware for individual use, and may be freely redistributed to students and faculty in an academic institution. All other rights are reserved.