---Corporate risk management - Progetto di ricerca
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Progetto Corporate risk management- Scheda link

OrganizzazioneArlingsoft - Ergo - Decision support
Categoria di appartenenza del sito: Società di software
Nazione o Regione/ProvinciaUSA
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Keywords separare key1:key2software:DSS
Outline del sitoArlingsoft, a TechnologyEvaluation.com website, intends to bring to the web the best in information, products, and services to enable its clients, partners, and the decision-making community to make effective use of modern methods and technologies. If you are interested in how you can cut the costs, time and risk due to decision-making processes, we intend to provide you with the tools and services needed to achieve that goal.
Contenuti del sito

ERGO 2001

ERGO has been declared as the 'Rolls-Royce' of decision support systems by Ziff Davis. Based on a value tree / MAUT approach, ERGO 2001 is designed for corporate, large-scale decision modeling and data capture. It enables you to create models and systematize knowledge and information, turning it into an efficient decision-making process.

It has been applied in a variety of decision processes, including performance measurement, procurement, technology selections, risk management, and task prioritization, among others. ERGO 2001 has been incorporated into decision processes to assist and reach decisions more rapidly and easily, and has cut time and costs by 30% or more. For facilitators, it is a toolbox enabling elicitation processes to be created and used, as well as providing a toolbox of other capabilities. For information call (508) 770-1700 ext.816

ERGO 2001 runs on Windows NT, 95, 98, 2000 and ME. ERGO 2001 is designed for the professional. Easy to use and configure, it is a must for large-scale or complex decision support problems.

Download EGRO 2001 Today!

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