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Show details for Allen, F.Allen, F.
Hide details for Allen, H.Allen, H.

Allen, H. - Taylor, M.P.
(1989) Charts Noise and Fundamentals: A Study of the London Foreign Exchange Market;
CEPR, Discussion Paper, London, 341.

Taylor, M.P. - Allen, H.
(1992) The Use of Technical Analysis in the Foreign Exchange Market;
in Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 11, pagg. 304-314.
Show details for Allen, L.Allen, L.
Show details for Allen, M.Allen, M.
Show details for Allingham, M.Allingham, M.
Show details for Almgren, R.Almgren, R.
Show details for Altman, E.I.Altman, E.I.
Show details for Ambarish, R.Ambarish, R.
Show details for Amihud, Y.Amihud, Y.
Show details for Andersen, L.Andersen, L.
Show details for Andersen, T.G.Andersen, T.G.
Show details for Anderson, J.R.Anderson, J.R.
Show details for Anderson, R.Anderson, R.
Show details for Anderson, R.C.Anderson, R.C.
Show details for André Lévy, M.André Lévy, M.
Show details for Andreasen, J.Andreasen, J.
Show details for Ané, T.Ané, T.
Show details for Angel, J.Angel, J.
Show details for AntitrustAntitrust
Show details for Antle, R.Antle, R.
Show details for Apabhai, M.Apabhai, M.
Show details for Appel, G.Appel, G.
Show details for Arbor, P.Arbor, P.
Show details for Arditti, F.D.Arditti, F.D.
Show details for Arnott, R.D.Arnott, R.D.
Show details for Arrow, K.Arrow, K.
Show details for Arthur AndersenArthur Andersen
Show details for Arthur, W.B.Arthur, W.B.