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Show details for Association of Chartered Associated AccountantsAssociation of Chartered Associated Accountants
Show details for AsteAste
Show details for Attfield, C.Attfield, C.
Show details for Aunon-Nerin, D.Aunon-Nerin, D.
Show details for Autori variAutori vari
Show details for Averill, R.Averill, R.
Show details for Avesani, R.G.Avesani, R.G.
Show details for Ayres, H.F.Ayres, H.F.
Show details for A.A.
Show details for A.M.A.M.
Show details for Baba, N.Baba, N.
Show details for Babbel, D.F.Babbel, D.F.
Show details for Bachelier, L.Bachelier, L.
Show details for Backus, D.Backus, D.
Show details for Bacon, D.W.Bacon, D.W.
Show details for Baden-Fuller, C.Baden-Fuller, C.
Show details for Bagella, M.Bagella, M.
Show details for Baglioni, A.Baglioni, A.
Show details for Bahar, R.Bahar, R.
Show details for Bahra, B.Bahra, B.
Hide details for Baillie, R.T.Baillie, R.T.

Baillie, R.T. - Bollerslev, T. - Mikkelsen, H.
(1993) Fractionally Integrated Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity;
Department of Finance, Norhwestern University, Working Paper, n. 168.

Baillie, R.T. - DeGennaro, R.T.
(1990) Stock return and volatility;
in Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, vol. 25, pagg. 203-214.

Baillie, R.T. - Myers, R.J.
(1991) Bivariate Garch Estimation of the Optimal Commodity Futures Hedge;
in Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol. 6, pagg. 109-124.
Show details for Bak, P.Bak, P.
Show details for Baldi, M.Baldi, M.
Show details for Baldwin, D.Baldwin, D.
Show details for Baliman, M.Baliman, M.
Show details for Ballig, M.Ballig, M.
Show details for Ball, C.A.Ball, C.A.