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Show details for Arthur AndersenArthur Andersen
Hide details for Arthur, W.B.Arthur, W.B.

Arthur, W.B. - Holland, J.H. - LeBaron, B. - Palmer, R. - Tayler, P.
(1996) Asset Pricing Under Endogenous Expectations in an Artificial Stock Market;
Santa Fè Institute, Dec 12, 1996 Web Download.

Arthur, W.B.
(1990) Positive Feedbacks in the Economy.;
in Scientific American, February, pagg. 80-85.

Arthur, W.B.
(1994) Inductive Reasoning and Bounded Rationality (The El Farol Problem);
in American Economic Review, nr. 84, pagg. 406-411.
Show details for Artzner, P.Artzner, P.
Show details for Arvanitis, A.Arvanitis, A.
Show details for Askari, H.Askari, H.
Show details for Asmussen, S.Asmussen, S.
Show details for Association of Chartered Associated AccountantsAssociation of Chartered Associated Accountants
Show details for AsteAste
Show details for Attfield, C.Attfield, C.
Show details for Aunon-Nerin, D.Aunon-Nerin, D.
Show details for Autori variAutori vari
Show details for Averill, R.Averill, R.
Show details for Avesani, R.G.Avesani, R.G.
Show details for Ayres, H.F.Ayres, H.F.
Show details for A.A.
Show details for A.M.A.M.
Show details for Baba, N.Baba, N.
Show details for Babbel, D.F.Babbel, D.F.
Show details for Bachelier, L.Bachelier, L.
Show details for Backus, D.Backus, D.
Show details for Bacon, D.W.Bacon, D.W.
Show details for Baden-Fuller, C.Baden-Fuller, C.
Show details for Bagella, M.Bagella, M.
Show details for Baglioni, A.Baglioni, A.
Show details for Bahar, R.Bahar, R.
Show details for Bahra, B.Bahra, B.
Show details for Baillie, R.T.Baillie, R.T.