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Show details for Abrami, L.Abrami, L.
Show details for Abuaf, N.Abuaf, N.
Show details for Acar, E.Acar, E.
Show details for Acerbi, C.Acerbi, C.
Hide details for Acharya, V.V.Acharya, V.V.

Acharya, V.V. - Hasan, I. - Saunders, A.
(2002) Should banks be diversified? Evidence from individual bank loan portfolios;
Bank for International Settlements, Working Papers, Basel, No. 118, September Web Download.

Acharya, V.V.
(2003) Is the International Convergence of Capital Adequacy Regulation Desirable?;
in Journal of Finance, vol. 58, nr. 6, pagg. 2745-2782.
Show details for Acocella, N.Acocella, N.
Show details for Adachi, M.M.Adachi, M.M.
Show details for Adcock, C.Adcock, C.
Show details for Adler, M.Adler, M.
Show details for Admati, A.Admati, A.
Show details for Aernoudt, R.Aernoudt, R.
Show details for Aghion, P.Aghion, P.
Show details for AhmedAhmed
Show details for Ahn, D.Ahn, D.
Show details for Aït-Sahalia, Y.Aït-Sahalia, Y.
Show details for Aitchison, J.Aitchison, J.
Show details for Akaike, H.Akaike, H.
Show details for Al-MudimighAl-Mudimigh
Show details for Albertinazzi, G.Albertinazzi, G.
Show details for Alchian, A.Alchian, A.
Show details for Aldrighetti, F.Aldrighetti, F.
Show details for Alessandrini, P.Alessandrini, P.
Show details for Alexander, C.Alexander, C.
Show details for Alexander, S.Alexander, S.
Show details for Alford, A.Alford, A.
Show details for Allaz, B.Allaz, B.
Show details for Allen, F.Allen, F.
Show details for Allen, H.Allen, H.