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Identificatore numerico2557
Identificatore completoAllenSaunders03
Autore/iAllen, L.; Saunders, A.
TitoloA survey of cyclical effects in credit risk measurement models
Tipo di Pubblicazionepaper
Altre InformazioniBank for International Settlements, Working Papers, Basel, No. 126, January Web Download.
KeywordsRischio di credito - LGD; Rischio di credito - Correlazione tra insolvenze; Rischio di credito - procyclicality
AbstractWe survey both academic and proprietary models to examine how macroeconomic and systematic risk effects are incorporated into measures of credit risk exposure. Many models consider the correlation between the probability of default (PD) and cyclical factors. Few models adjust loss rates (loss given default) to reflect cyclical effects. We find that the possibility of systematic correlation between PD and LGD is also neglected in currently available models.
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