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Identificatore numerico1978
Identificatore completoBaselCommitteeonBankingSupervision92
Autore/iBasel Committee on Banking Supervision
TitoloA Framework For Measuring And Managing Liquidity
Tipo di Pubblicazionepaper
Altre InformazioniSeptember Web Download.
KeywordsRischio di liquidità - Vigilanza
AbstractIn its work on the supervision of liquidity, the Basle Committee has focused on developing a greater understanding of the way in which international banks manage their liquidity on a global basis, on the premise that supervision of liquidity is particularly effective if based on a dialogue between bank and supervisor. This paper brings together practice and techniques currently employed by major international banks in a single analytical framework. While no bank may follow this framework precisely, it is a model which is believed to be an example of current sound management practice and which could provide useful guidance to all banks.
(On replaced by new document: Sound Practices for Managing Liquidity in Banking Organisation, february 2000.)
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