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Ric. Avanzata

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Precedente Prossimo Comprimi Espandi

Hide details for Association of Chartered Associated AccountantsAssociation of Chartered Associated Accountants

Association of Chartered Associated Accountants
(2003) Warning Signs for SMEs;
http://www.accaglobal.com/ Web Download.
Hide details for AsteAste

Aste - W. - Panizzolo - D.
(2004) Lo standard XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting language) e la comunicazione finanziaria d’impresa;
ALEA - Centro di ricerca sui rischi finanziari, Università di Trento, Tech Reports, Trento, nr. 20, maggio Web Download.
Hide details for Attfield, C.Attfield, C.

James, J. - Attfield, C.
(1999) In Praise of bar data.;
in Risk, vol. 12, nr. 9, September, pagg. 97-99.
Hide details for Aunon-Nerin, D.Aunon-Nerin, D.

Cossin, #initDidier. - Hricko, T. - Aunon-Nerin, D. - Huang, Z.
(2002) Exploring for the Determinants of Credit Risk in Credit Default Swap Transaction Data: Is Fixed-Income Markets’ Information Sufficient to Evaluate Credit Risk?;
FAME, Research Paper, Lausanne, 65 Web Download.
Hide details for Autori variAutori vari

Autori vari
(1982) Finanza aziendale e mercato finanziario, Scritti in onore di G. Pivato;
Giuffrè, Milano.

Autori vari
(1992) From Black-Scholes to Black Holes;
Risk Finex, New York.

Autori vari
(1997) Risk Management for Financial Institutions;
Risk Publications, London.
Hide details for Averill, R.Averill, R.

Stetson, C. - Spinner, A. - Averill, R. - Stokke, S.
(1997) Markov Esteem;
in Risk, vol. 10, nr. 1, January, pagg. 87-89.
Hide details for Avesani, R.G.Avesani, R.G.

Avesani, R.G. - Gallo, G.M.
(1997) Cambiamenti discreti di regime: caratteristiche teoriche ed econometriche;
in Bancaditalia97, Banca d'Italia, Roma, pagg. 197-274.
Hide details for Ayres, H.F.Ayres, H.F.

Ayres, H.F.
(1963) Risk Aversion in the Warrant Markets;
in Industrial Management Review, vol. 50, nr. 1, Fall, pag. 45.
Hide details for A.A.

Al-Mudimigh - A. - Zairi - M. - Ahmed - A.M.
(2004) Extending the concept of supply chain: the effective management of value chains;
in International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 87, pagg. 309-320.
Hide details for A.M.A.M.

Al-Mudimigh - A. - Zairi - M. - Ahmed - A.M.
(2004) Extending the concept of supply chain: the effective management of value chains;
in International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 87, pagg. 309-320.
Hide details for Baba, N.Baba, N.

Baba, N. - Inamura, Y.
(2002) The Japanese Repo Market: Theory and Evidence;
Bank of Japan, Financial Markets Department Working Paper E-Series, Tokyo, 02-E-1, April 19 Web Download.
Hide details for Babbel, D.F.Babbel, D.F.

Babbel, D.F.
(1983) Duration and the Term Structure of Interest Rate Volatility;
in KaufmanBierwagToevs83, JAI Press, , pagg. 239-265.

Santomero, A.M. - Babbel, D.F.
(1997) Financial Markets, Instruments, and Institutions;
Irwin, Chicago.
Hide details for Bachelier, L.Bachelier, L.

Bachelier, L.
(1900) Théorie de la speculation;
in Annales de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, vol. 3.
Show details for Backus, D.Backus, D.

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