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Identificatore numerico2409
Identificatore completoOECD03
TitoloPrivate Finance and Economic Development
Tipo di Pubblicazionelibro
Altre InformazioniOECD, Paris.
KeywordsFinanza delle PMI - Regional development
AbstractThis book presents the main messages of an OECD LEED Programme, Forum of Cities and Regions conference that took place in London in July 2002 in collaboration with the London Development Agency, Greater London Enterprise and the City of London Corporation (the municipality for the "Square Mile" in London’s financial centre). The theme of the conference was
how to leverage private finance for local economic development activities in OECD cities and regions. The conference included practitioner presentations of approaches to financial leverage in various cities and regions in North America and Europe in the fields of brownfield regeneration, community development
and small firm support, which are all summarised in this book. In addition, a number of papers were commissioned to provide further practical examples and recommendations for policy development, including discussion of the potential transferability of programmes from one city or region to another, given
differences in the economic development instruments and powers available.
These papers are all included in this book. The book has been prepared and edited by Jonathan Potter from the OECD LEED Programme. Greg Clark, Kirstie Bennett, Mark Stevens and Meg
Kaufman from the London Development Agency assisted in this work and the preparation of the conference, together with David Walburn of Greater London Enterprise.
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