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Identificatore numerico2020
Identificatore completoDunbar00
Autore/iDunbar, N.
TitoloInventing Money : The Story of Long-Term Capital Management and the Legends Behind It
Tipo di Pubblicazionelibro
Altre InformazioniJohn Wiley & Sons, New York.
KeywordsHedge fund - LTCM; Crisi finanziarie e crolli dei mercati - LTCM
AbstractInventing Money is a compelling read to everybody interested in the inner workings of Wall Street and the derivatives industry in general. It gives an excellent history of the development of the financial markets, with interesting examples, such as the role of the CBOT grain markets during the civil war. In great detail it covers the development of option theory, and the role that Black, Scholes and Merton had. Meriwether's rise at Solomon (see Liars Poker) and the events leading to his departure are also detailed. Finally the details of LTCM and their 'money making machines' are discussed, along with the events that finally brought about LTCM's downfall. In places the book gets very technical but in general Dunbar does an excellent job of explaining and simplifying some extremely complicated principles.
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