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Identificatore numerico2159
Identificatore completoMatten00
Autore/iMatten, C.
TitoloManaging Bank Capital
Tipo di Pubblicazionelibro
Altre InformazioniJohn Wiley & Sons, New York, 2a edizione..
KeywordsRisk management istituzioni finanziarie - Risk management integrato; VAR - Valutazione performance; VAR - Capital allocation
AbstractEfficient capital management is fundamental to the optimisation of shareholder value for any financial institution. In this significantly expanded and updated new edition of the successful Managing Bank Capital Chris Matten addresses the issue of capital allocation both from an internal and an external perspective. His expert advice and international perspective on best practice will guide managers in investment, retail, and private banks through proven techniques for improving performance, minimising risk and maximising shareholder value. Organised in six discrete sections to cater for every interested reader from MBA student to experienced investment banker, Managing Bank Capital contains both introductory and detailed technical chapters on: the role and definition of capital; the treasurer’s perspective - managing the physical capital base; the regulator’s perspective - understanding and meeting regulatory capital constraints; the risk manager’s perspective - building an internal risk capital model; the shareholder’s perspective - using earnings volatility to measure risk; a holistic approach to capital management - bringing the four perspectives together to manage capital so as to enhance shareholder value.
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