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Identificatore numerico1908
Identificatore completoBankforInternationalSettlements98a
Autore/iBank for International Settlements
TitoloEnhancing Transparency Regarding the Authorities' Foreign Currency Liquidity Position
Tipo di Pubblicazionepaper
Altre InformazioniBank for International Settlements, Euro-currency Standing Committee, Basel, 28th September Web Download.
AbstractThe Asian crisis highlighted deficiencies in the availability of information relating to the on and off-balance-sheet foreign currency activities of central banks and other public sector entities. This led the G-10 Governors to ask the Euro-currency Standing Committee to establish a working group to develop a disclosure framework to address these shortcomings. Specifically, the group was asked to identify the statistical information that would enable markets to better assess the authorities’ foreign currency liquidity position. This position comprises the foreign exchange resources at the disposal of the authorities that are easily mobilisable in times of need and the potential drains on those resources associated with the authorities’ short-term foreign currency liabilities. The group was also asked to report on the most suitable framework for public disclosure, the specific form and content of the information to be released and the additional practical steps necessary to implement the chosen strategy. In its deliberations the group recognised that improvements in disclosure practices by G-10 countries could help to encourage similar behaviour in emerging market countries.

The Euro-currency Standing Committee has been subsequently renamed Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS).
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