---Smefin - Basilea 4x4: Soluzioni di rete per la finanza delle PMI - Progetto di ricerca
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Autore/iBerger A ; Udell G
TitoloA More Complete Conceptual Framework for SME Finance
Altre Informazioniin WorldBank04, World Bank Publications, Washington Web Download.
Keywords separare key1:key2
Abstract The availability of external finance for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is a topic of significant research interest to academics and an issue of great importance to policy makers around the globe. The conceptual framework to which most of the current research literature adheres has proven to be quite helpful
to advancing our understanding of the markets for providing funds to SMEs in both developed and developing nations. As well, this framework has aided our understanding of the effects of policies that both facilitate and hinder the access to funding by creditworthy SMEs in these nations.
However, we argue that the current framework presents an oversimplified model that overlooks some important distinctions across national financial institution structures and lending infrastructures and the way in which these elements of the financial system affect SME credit availability.
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Unità di ricerca interessataTrento - Dipartimento di informatica e studi aziendali, Modena - Dipartimento di economia aziendale
Workpackage(s) interessato(i)WP05-Confidi
Documento del gruppo di ricercaNo

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