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Autore/iEgan T ; Hoffman C ; O hAonghusa C ; Pellizzari G ; Pyman T ; Ugarte A
TitoloHitchhikers Guide to Understanding the IFRS-GP Taxonomy
Altre InformazioniMay 27 Web Download.
Keywords separare key1:key2
Abstract From the foreword: "This document is an unofficial guide to the IFRS-GP XBRL taxonomy. The IFRS-GP is
a financial reporting taxonomy used for reporting under International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS).
It is purposefully "unofficial" so that it can delve into areas of speculation where
official documents cannot. This guide is in no way endorsed by or associated with
the IASCF, IASB, or XBRL International.
The audience for this document is: (1) accountants who desire to understand the taxonomy and (2) information technology people who are trying to use the taxonomy. This document is as non-technical as it can be. Specifically, the hope is that more and more accountants and technology people can truly understand the taxonomy and therefore provide feedback to make the taxonomy and the process for creating future versions of this taxonomy better. This document is not a tutorial; it consists of pointers, hints, background information, explanations, insider information, and whatever else that users of the taxonomy might find useful."
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Unità di ricerca interessataTrento - Dipartimento di informatica e studi aziendali
Workpackage(s) interessato(i)WP11-XBRL
Documento del gruppo di ricercaNo

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