---Smefin - Basilea 4x4: Soluzioni di rete per la finanza delle PMI - Progetto di ricerca
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Tipo di record
Autore/iEnterprise Directorate-General
TitoloBest Project on Restructuring, Bankruptcy and a Fresh Start
Altre InformazioniEuropean Commission, Bruxelles, September.
Keywords separare key1:key2
Abstract This report has been produced by the expert group set up in 2002 by the European Commission. Four key areas were discussedd: early warning mechanisms; legal systems and options to avoid default; discharge of defaulted entrepreneurs and chance to have a fresh start; social attitudes.
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Unità di ricerca interessataTrento - Dipartimento di informatica e studi aziendali
Workpackage(s) interessato(i)WP04-Crisis management
Documento del gruppo di ricerca

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