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Autore/iSchnitzer M ; Pryde C
TitoloA Note on XBRL and The Promise of "Modular" Accounting
Pubblicazione ospite (in)
Altre Informazioniin Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, Fall, Vol. 18, n.4, pp. 53
Keywords separare key1:key2
Abstractdata on all companies, regardless of size, will be immediately
accessible to all investors. By giving them the ability
to sort through masses of financial data very quickly and
inexpensively, XBRL will provide investors with more
reliable “components” that will empower them to easily
perform customized fi nancial analysis, perhaps recombining
those components into their own measures of income.
With the broad availability of XBRL, interactive
data on all companies, regardless of size, will be immediately
accessible to all investors. By giving them the ability
to sort through masses of financial data very quickly and
inexpensively, XBRL will provide investors with more
reliable “components” that will empower them to easily
perform customized fi nancial analysis, perhaps recombining
those components into their own measures of income.
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Unità di ricerca interessata
Workpackage(s) interessato(i)WP11-XBRL
Documento del gruppo di ricercaNo

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