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Autore/iErzegovesi L
TitoloUsing XBRL and Quantrix Modeler to Analyze Financial Statements – Part 1
Altre InformazioniDISA, Dipartimento di Informatica e Studi Aziendali, Università di Trento, Smefin tech reports, Trento, December 23 Web Download.
Keywords separare key1:key2
Abstract XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) is a language based on XML for the electronic communication of business and financial data. This paper is intended to: (1) give a brief presentation of the XBRL language and its applicability to financial analysis; (2) define the requirements of a software application supporting financial analysis and planning capable of processing financial data in the XBRL format; (3) appreciate the potential of Quantrix Modeler, a multi-dimensional spreadsheet software, as a platform for implementing XBRL-enabled financial models. The audience for this document is end-users interested in adopting XBRL as a language for preparing, analyzing and communicating financial information.
File documento allegatoXBRL and Quantrix-1.pdfXBRL and Quantrix Modeler-1.model
The file "XBRL and Quantrix Modeler-1.model" requires Quantrix Modeler, a software package.
A free trial version can be downloaded from Quantrix site
Unità di ricerca interessataTrento - Dipartimento di informatica e studi aziendali
Workpackage(s) interessato(i)WP11-XBRL
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