---Smefin - Basilea 4x4: Soluzioni di rete per la finanza delle PMI - Progetto di ricerca
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Progetto Smefin - Basilea 4x4: Soluzioni di rete per la finanza delle PMI- Scheda link

OrganizzazioneNEFI - Network of European Financial Institutions for SMEs
Link al sitowww.nefi.be
Categoria di appartenenza del sito: Associazioni professionali
Nazione o Regione/ProvinciaSovrannazionale
Outline del sito

The Network of European Financial Institutions for SMEs (NEFI), which was founded in 1999, consists of ten financial institutions from ten member states of the European Union:
ALMI (Sweden), BDPME (France), Finnvera (Finland), Hipoteku Banka (Latvia), ICO (Spain), KfW Bankengruppe (Germany), MCC (Italy), MFB (Hungary), SNCI (Luxembourg) and SZRB (Slovakia).
These institutions share a public mission to facilitate the access to finance for SMEs by offering them financial services and expertise.
Contenuti del sitoThis mission was entrusted to them by the government and the legislation in force in their respective countries. Other, similar tasks have been assigned to the member institutions in the fields of the environment and infrastructure, among other things. All NEFI partners act complementarily to and in co-operation with the national banking system through co-financing, risk-sharing, expertise and advice in order to address shortcomings in the SME financial markets.

As a European network of specialised financial institutions, NEFI pursues the following goals:
-to maintain a permanent and constructive dialogue on SME financing issues with the European Union institutions or with other SME-related European associations and federations
-to provide expertise and advice for the EU and its financial institutions in the planning and implementation of EU-wide promotional and financing schemes
-to facilitate the access of SME clients to both European and national financing schemes.
In the past year NEFI institutions actively supported and financed a total of more than 117,000 SMEs all over Europe with about € 20 billion of financing in the form of loans and guarantees.