---Smefin - Basilea 4x4: Soluzioni di rete per la finanza delle PMI - Progetto di ricerca
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Progetto Smefin - Basilea 4x4: Soluzioni di rete per la finanza delle PMI- Scheda link

Link al sitowww.ubmatrix.com
Categoria di appartenenza del sito: Societą di software
Nazione o Regione/ProvinciaUSA
Outline del sito"Since our inception in 1998, our business has been focused on developing and implementing XBRL products and services"
Contenuti del sitoFronm the company's site:
"UBmatrix is the only company that has a comprehensive family of XBRL products required to build end-to-end business reporting solutions.

UBmatrix Universal Business Reporting Framework

Through our experience with the FFIEC XBRL Call Report project that includes the first Web-based Metadata Management integrated solution in USA, the Sumitomo Mitsui Bank XBRL Global e-Trade project in Japan, the KOSDAQ Stock Exchange XBRL Web Analyzer project in Korea, the CRAS project to enable the credit risk assessment services industry to optimize workflow and communications, the New-Zealand Statistics New-Zealand XBRL Pilot, the IFRS Taxonomy development in Europe and other XBRL projects and pilots worldwide, UBmatrix has acquired a real-world knowledge and experience that have assisted us in developing API sets for creating Web-based XBRL business reporting solutions, including feature-rich applications for creating and managing taxonomies.

The foundation of our technology is XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language), an open standard language for the electronic communication of business and financial data.

Our solutions automate business reporting processes - and transform static data (stored and maintained in distributed and disparate systems) into tagged information with structured business terms so that it can be produced and consumed consistently. Simply put, our XBRL solutions turn ambiguous data into actionable information."

Interesting page on the history of XBRL