---Smefin - Basilea 4x4: Soluzioni di rete per la finanza delle PMI - Progetto di ricerca
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Progetto Smefin - Basilea 4x4: Soluzioni di rete per la finanza delle PMI- Scheda link

Link al sitowww.savanet.com/
Categoria di appartenenza del sito: Società di software
Nazione o Regione/ProvinciaUSA
Outline del sitoSavaNet, or Security analysis and valuation Network, specializes in bringing XBRL solutions to the corporate reporting and professional financial analysts and portfolio manager communities
Contenuti del sitoThe SavaNet XBRL Reader is a free software application that allows everyone from financial professionals to independent investors to easily access, view, analyze, compare, print, and export financial data.
SavaNet can make your information come alive by turning your financial information or financial reports into XBRL documents that can be viewed, analyzed and compared by the SavaNet XBRL Readers with customized formatting using existing XBRL taxonomies. Or, if your content is not standard financial content or has extensive custom items, we can create a custom taxonomy just for your company that can also be read and analyzed in the SavaNet XBRL Readers. We can even create custom analysis specifically tailored to your needs.