---Smefin - Basilea 4x4: Soluzioni di rete per la finanza delle PMI - Progetto di ricerca
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Progetto Smefin - Basilea 4x4: Soluzioni di rete per la finanza delle PMI- Scheda link

OrganizzazioneXBRL Australia
Link al sitowww.xbrl-au.org/
Categoria di appartenenza del sito: Associazioni standard setter
Nazione o Regione/ProvinciaAustralia
Outline del sitoSito della jurisdiction australiana di XBRL, molto attiva. Contiene materiale informativo (FAQ) molto chiaro e "to the point".
Contenuti del sito

XBRL International
Press Room
Working Groups
XBRL Australia is a member of XBRL.org and has been set up by the Joint Standing Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and CPA Australia. It is specifically aimed at extending the international XBRL taxonomy for Australian reporting requirements with its Australian members.

Our Mission:
To improve the efficiency, accessibility and reliability of reporting financial information.

Our Objectives:

    1. Establish active Australian Jurisdiction and grow membership
    2. Create taxonomies for Australian Accounting Standards
    3. Promote XBRL to vendors/users of financial information