---Smefin - Basilea 4x4: Soluzioni di rete per la finanza delle PMI - Progetto di ricerca
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Progetto Smefin - Basilea 4x4: Soluzioni di rete per la finanza delle PMI- Scheda link

Link al sitowww.rixml.org
Categoria di appartenenza del sito: Associazioni standard setter
Nazione o Regione/ProvinciaSovrannazionale
Outline del sitorixml è un linguaggio basato su xml promosso da operatori dei mercati finanziari (investment banks, asset manager).
Serve per produrre documenti dai quali sia facile estrarre i contenuti informativi grazie ad un dizionario di tag.
Contenuti del sitoRIXML.org is a consortium of buy-side firms, sell-side firms and vendors that have joined together to define an open standard for categorizing, tagging and distributing global investment research.
RIXML.org is creating a standard based on industry needs. RIXML is not a distribution service or application vendor, instead, we are creating an open specification that can be freely used by application vendors, research providers and their clients.
The primary objective of the RIXML specification is to provide extensive capabilities for tagging any piece of financial research content, in any form or media with sufficient metadata information to allow research users to search, sort and filter the published research and to provide highly relevant information to decision-makers. RIXML utilizes XML (eXtensible Markup Language), the global standard for data sharing between internet applications.