
4 Links-Per categorie

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Show details for Agenzie di rating e società di ricerca finanziariaAgenzie di rating e società di ricerca finanziaria
Show details for Associazioni professionaliAssociazioni professionali
Show details for Credit bureauCredit bureau
Show details for Esperti indipendentiEsperti indipendenti
Show details for Financial information providerFinancial information provider
Hide details for Intermediari garantiIntermediari garanti
FEI / EIF - European Investment
We have a specific mission to support the growth of small and medium-sized companies
operate throughout the European Union
provide portfolio guarantees to all types of intermediaries involved in SME financing: banks, leasing companies, guarantee institutions, mutual guarantee funds, other financial institutions.
apply risk sharing principles
we structure guarantee products that reduce the risk exposure of intermediaries providing investment finance to smaller businesses
work on a portfolio basis
we do not provide direct guarantees for individual transactions, but always operate on the basis of a portfolio of guarantees or loans
act on a commercial basis
we price our guarantees in accordance with the risk we assume
Show details for Portali per derivativi e risk managementPortali per derivativi e risk management
Show details for Quotidiani e periodici finanziariQuotidiani e periodici finanziari
Show details for Regulators bancari e finanziariRegulators bancari e finanziari
Show details for Riviste scientifiche di finanzaRiviste scientifiche di finanza
Show details for Società di consulenza specializzata in finanzaSocietà di consulenza specializzata in finanza
Show details for Società di softwareSocietà di software
Show details for (Not Categorized)(Not Categorized)