
3 Bibliografia-Per Id

textId info
HickmanWollman02Hickman , A. - Wollman , J. (2002),
An Evolutionary Leap in Credit Portfolio Risk Modeling,, New York, December 18th Web Download.
JacobsonLindéRoszbach04Jacobson , T. - Lindé , J. - Roszbach , K. (2004),
Credit risk versus capital requirements under Basel II: are SME loans and retail credit really different?,
Sveriges Riksbank, Working Papers Series, Stockholm, No. 162, April Web Download.
Martin04Martin , R. (2004),
Credit Portfolio Modeling Handbook,
Credit Suisse First Boston, The Quantitative Credit Strategist, October 29 Web Download.
ModyPatro96Mody , A. - Patro , D. (1996),
Methods of Loan Guarantee Valuation and Accounting,
Research Paper, World Bank.
OesterreichischeNationalbank04Oesterreichische Nationalbank (2004),
Best Practices in Risk Management for Securitized Products,
Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Guidelines on Credit Risk Management, Wien, December Web Download.
Persaud02Persaud , A. (2002),
Where Have All the Risks Gone?,, Feature Articles, November 22 Web Download.
Schönbucher03Schönbucher , P. J. (2003),
Credit Derivatives Pricing Models: Model, Pricing and Implementation,
John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Schuermann04Schuermann , T. (2004),
What Do We Know About Loss Given Default?,
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York, February Web Download.
SkoglundNystrom04Skoglund , J. - Nystrom , K. (2004),
Portfolio Credit Risk Revisited,
Stockholm, March 2 Web Download.
Standard&Poors01Standard & Poor's (2001),
Corporate Ratings Criteria,
Standard & Poor's.
TrucharteArtigas04Trucharte Artigas , C. (2004),
A Review of Credit Registers and their Use for Basel II,
Bank for International Settlements, Financial Stability Institute Occasiona Papers, Basel, September Web Download.
WorldBank98World Bank (1998),
World Bank Guarantees Handbook,
World Bank.