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Una spazzolata per Basilea

Mon 6 Apr 2009, 16.15

L'attentissimo Sapio mi segnala anche, dall'Economist, Basel brush, ovvero le buone intenzioni e le difficili mosse del Financial Stability Forum, sorry, Board per rendere pił solido il quadro di vigilanza imparando dalla crisi. Cito il passaggio finale
Finally, consider the taxi driver. He may accept that the banks needed to be bailed out, but in the future wants to protect his high-street bank, which enjoys implicit taxpayer backing, from the risk-takers who should live and die by the sword. Yet the industry has moved in the opposite direction. Deposit-taking giants such as JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America have bought investment banks, and bailed-out lenders such as Royal Bank of Scotland, Citigroup and UBS plan on keeping much of their investment-banking units intact. The FSF has addressed the fine print, but the question of how to ensure taxpayers do not underwrite private risk-taking again remains unanswered.


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