John Reed (ex CEO Citigroup): ho fatto nascere un mostro, scusate

Sat 7 Nov 2009, 17.27 Stampa

Toccante la testimonianza resa John Reed, oggi settantenne, ripresa da Bloomberg. L'ex CEO di Citicorp, protagonista della creazione di Citigroup nel 1998,
Lawmakers were wrong to repeal the Depression-era Glass- Steagall Act in 1999, Reed said. At the time, he supported overturn of the law, which required the separation of institutions that engaged in traditional customer banking services from those involved in capital markets.
“We learn from our mistakes,” said Reed, who wrote an Oct. 21 letter to the editor of the New York Times endorsing a division of banking activities. “When you’re running a company, you do what you think is right for the stockholders. Right now I’m looking at this as a citizen.”
Reed headed Citicorp for 14 years until the merger with Travelers. The deal created the world’s biggest financial company in a stock swap valued at about $85 billion. Reed and Weill were co-chairmen and co-chief executive officers until Reed’s retirement in 2000.
Personaggi come John Reed e Paul Volcker (80 anni) dicono con franchezza che la commistione tra commercial e investment banking è stata una colossale imprudenza. I loro successori non la pensano così: non si può tornare indietro dal modello di intermediazione finanziaria degli anni 2000. Tutt'al più è un problema di adeguamento delle regole. Ci vorrà un altro scoppio di crisi nel 2010 per capire chi ha ragione?


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